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Wallpea - Gorgeous AI images. Totally free to use in your projects. | width=

Discover Unique And Authentic Royalty-Free Stock Images For Your Projects

Wallpea is a royalty-free stock image platform that helps creative professionals and businesses make their commercial and personal projects stand out and captivate audiences. All of our stock images are exclusive to Wallpea.

No hidden fees. Lifetime license. No copyright drama. No login required

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Wallpea badge

Creative Professionals And Businesses really Love Wallpea

Many businesses and creative professionals are already choosing Wallpea over
Unsplash, Pexels, Stocksy, and other royalty-free stock image platforms.

Made for you. With you in mind.

When you put it all together — high-quality images, exclusivity, absence of ads, flexible licensing, absence of hidden fees, absence of copyright drama, absence of login — it’s like magic.

Hey there—

I am Folrry, the founder/CEO of Bleverdesign — the business that makes Wallpea.

Getting compelling stock visuals for your projects/clients is becoming increasingly tiring, but it shouldn't be. It should be easy.It feels great to find that unique high-quality stock image that makes your project stand out. Or that makes your advertisement wow viewers. Or that makes your designs breathtaking. Or that makes your client work differentiated from competitors. Or that makes readers look up to your next editorial. Or that doesn't limit your use. Or that doesn't make you worry about licensing issues. Or that doesn't make you worry about licensing issues.But things changed.You started finding it challenging to get quality images that haven't been overused, and differentiating your work while adhering to tight deadlines is a constant struggle, the licensing terms are like black boxes; the licensing terms are either not clear or they are limiting your usage, the ideal images that fit your needs and wants have been overused by your competitors diluting your project originality.Stock visuals became like fast fashion "Fast visuals".And Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, Getty just let it happen.Now getting compelling images is an irritating pain, rather than a relief. Something stresses you, something that frustrates you, not making you feel pleasant. Rather than enjoying the process, you deal with it.And yet, stock visuals are still needed. Thanks to creativity, creatives, lovers of beauty, wow makers, revelers of designs, businesses, and creative professionals who create something magical and exceptional daily. It makes it easy for businesses to make their brand stand out, for creative professionals to create captivating projects, and for millions of people to earn a living.So good news, the magic is still there. It's just de-prioritized. Buried under the mess of ads and neglect. Some from people, some from machines, a lot from algorithms.Stock visuals deserve a dust-off. A renovation. Prioritizing quality over quantity. Problem-solving over ads seeking. Relief over frustration.With Wallpea, we’ve done just that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction of stock visuals. A refreshing start, the way it should be.Wallpea is our amorous letter to businesses and creative professionals, and we’re sending it to you on the Web and on your mobile.

Founder & CEO

Why Wallpea?

Unlimited Downloads

Let your imagination run wild with endless access to visuals, and images, giving you the freedom to bring your ideas to life without any restrictions.

Fresh Content

New unique and quality images are added every week to help elevate your projects

Weekly Refresh

With our continuous supply of new visuals and images, we help you stay at the forefront of trends and ensure your creative remains fresh and engaging.

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Start Exploring Wallpea

Start exploring Wallpea images and get access to images that make your projects stand out

No log in needed.

Wallpea Images

Amplify your projects with high quality images, illustrations, graphics, and artistic works

Hover over images to colorize

Get free weekly prompts for creating images.

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Become a Wallpea affiliate today & earn up to $490.00 on each sale!

Wallpea's affiliate
partner program

Become a Wallpea affiliate today & earn up to $490.00 on each sale!

How it works

Joining our affiliate program is easy! Simply sign up to become a Wallpea affiliate partner. It's a straightforward process that is simple, completely free, with no minimum sales required.

Once you've signed up, begin sharing your unique referral link with your audience on various platforms such as blogs, social media, and professional networks worldwide. Every time someone clicks on your link and buys a Wallpea Prime subscription, you earn money.

Earn a 10% commission on each sale that comes through your referral link.

We're here to help you thrive and succeed!

Become an affiliate partner and unlock the potential for industry-leading earnings with Wallpea. Get all the tools you need to start promoting Wallpea for free.

High payouts

Earn a 10% commission for each sale

Referral window

We offer a robust referral window of 45 days to track referred sales.

Seamless payments

You get paid via bank transfer or paypal.

Why promote Wallpea?

Fast growing Industry

Wallpea is building in the AI sector, which is experiencing rapid adoption and growth.

High conversion rate

Our competitive pricing leads to higher conversion rates, meaning your leads are more likely to convert.

Afforable Pricing

More affordable than traditional stock sites Wallpea appeals to a global audience.

Free content

We offer free contents for our users that your followers will absolutely love.

Global reach

Our images are easily accessible and can be use by creatives and businesses globally

Fast growing platform

We are rapidly expanding and opportunities are filling up fast, so now is the perfect time to come on board!

Who can join Wallpea affiliate partner program?

Wallpea is revolutionizing the stock industry and
we are seeking partners who are passionate about our mission and eager to spread the word. Let's change the game together!

Creative professionals






Images in this pack

Images in this pack

Images in this pack

Images in this pack

Images in this pack

Images in this pack


Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

5 Images

Conceptually Similar

Architectural Buildings

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

28 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Friends in wood illustration

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

5 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Butterfly headphones

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

12 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Dollar bills & stacks

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

16 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Turntables & concerts

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

11 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Images In this Pack

Transparent Monitor, AR, & VR

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

51 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Ramadan, Mosques, Prayers, Islam

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

30 Images in this pack

Conceptually Similar

Empty Room

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

Conceptually Similar

Bloomy Flowers

Wallpea Free Stock Image Collection

Conceptually Similar

Easter Creation


Easter is here, and we've put together a fantastic collection of images, backgrounds, wallpapers, and AI photos all centered around this festive holiday. With 26 high-resolution images featuring everything from Easter eggs, bunnies, graphic design to still life scenes, there's something for everyone.
Whether you're looking to spruce up your social media posts, marketing campaigns, websites, blogs, templates, or print materials, these images are perfect for bringing your Easter celebrations to life. Get ready to add a touch of Easter magic to all your projects!

A Beautiful Flower


1 Image


Kaustubh Deshpande

Country: Navi, Mumbai

Interest: Product Photography, Food Photography, Nature

Digital creator
Human | Photographer | Analyst | Blogger | RoadRunner

Bogdan Beldiman

Country: Romania

Interest: AI, Art, Design, Psychology, Business

Digital Renaissance Man in the making. Passionate about self-education, experimentation, multidisciplinary study. Building a one-person business. AI enthusiast.

Haziq Farooqi

Location: Nawa Kadal Srinagar Kashmir

Interests: Photography, Travelling

I’m a photographer based in Kashmir

Image of an Aeroplane flying in the sky




Image of a water fountain in a park clicked in evening




Beautiful sunset at Dal lake Kashmir




Sunset view of Srinagar city from Shankaracharya Hills




Heart shaped floating island




Heart-shaped lock




Heart-shaped stone on a beach




Heart-shaped wreath on a rustic wooden door




Multiplanetary life




White ice mountain and big moon




Elegant lady in a spring floral gown




Mirror During Spring




A man sails to his home in Dal Lake




Man in snowfall




Gulmarg Kashmir




Spring Kashmir




Autumn Kashmir




Man in River Kashmir









Interests: Digital art, Graphic design, Photography, AI art

Founder of Wallpea


Optimize workflows with flexible pricing and hassle-free licensing.

Our pricing fits your budget while elevating your campaigns. Royalty-free usage rights protect your brand legally and ensures your brand safety.




Pricing is per license


For basic web use such as blogs, articles, or brochure sites.

20 USD


For web uses such as backgrounds or small prints about the size of a postcard.

40 USD


For high quality prints or large web use.

100 USD


For full-page print, large format posters, or billboards.

150 USD


Constant peace of mind

Ensure you have the appropriate licenses for your imagery and unleash your creativity. Our standard and extended licenses, as outlined in our Content Licensing Agreement, provide comprehensive coverage across all media platforms globally. With these licenses in place, you can fully leverage the value of the perfect assets you discover for maximizing your brand value.

Standard Royalty-Free License

All of our images and media fall under the Standard Royalty-Free License. Except when stated otherwise by Wallpea

  • Commercial use

  • Advertising, blog posts, inclusion in websites, annual reports, editorial, design elements, book covers, product packaging, etc.

  • Use by a single user at a time

  • Up to 500,000 copies of print

  • Unlimited electronic impressions

  • Worldwide use in any medium, forever

Extended License Add-ons

Upgrade your license with extended add-ons for more features, benefits, and exclusive perks.


Use by unlimited users in your organization


Unlimited copies in print


Use on products where the asset provides core value


Team License

Our Standard License allows for usage by one individual at a time. For increased flexibility and collaboration within your organization, consider upgrading to a Team License. With a Team License, you can easily share assets among an unlimited number of users, including affiliates and subsidiaries.As an added benefit, a complimentary Team License is included with the purchase of any other extended license. This allows for seamless integration and increased productivity across your entire team.

+ Images


Extended License Add-ons


Extend your coverage to print over 500,000 copies of the image (web use is always unlimited).

+ Images



For use in commercial products in which the asset provides the core value of the product — e.g., greeting cards, t-shirts, mugs, posters, wallpapers, stickers, apps, and templates.

+ Images


Market Freeze

License the exclusive rights
to Wallpea images

Available across various time periods, a Market Freeze provides exclusive rights to assets from the date of purchase. This ensures that the content you freeze cannot be licensed by any competitors or other parties, giving you peace of mind.

Maximize the value of your investment with a Market Freeze license, which includes complimentary Team, Unlimited Print, and Products For Resale licenses.

1 Year


2 Year


3 Year


4 Year


Wallpea Blog

Stories from the worldwide platform for creative showcase

Wallpea: Empowering Creative Professionals And Businesses.

Content License Agreement

Our Content License Agreement outlines the available licenses, rights and ownership details, and the permitted uses of each license. If you have any questions about these terms, please contact

Hey there! This Agreement has all the important info about your legal rights, remedies, and obligations. It's a binding agreement between Wallpea ("Wallpea") and anyone who uses the Site or any Content ("Client"). By using or paying for any Content from the Site, you agree to all the terms of this Agreement and the Site Terms of Use. If you don't agree with any of the terms or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at before downloading or using any Content from the Site.

1. Ownership and Limited Transfer

Wallpea artists retain all rights in and to their Content, including copyright, title, and all other intellectual property rights. Wallpea asks that you consider properly embedding or limiting the size of Content used online as a best practice to protect the artist’s copyright. The Client agrees that, except for the rights expressly granted by Wallpea under this Agreement, no rights in and to any Content are granted to the Client at any time.Wallpea agrees to a limited transfer of granted rights between a buyer or agency authorized to purchase on behalf of Client or between a Client and a third party, where the third party is integral to the creation of the final Work (for example, a printer, designer, marketing agency, or social media manager), provided those parties agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you have questions about whether an intended transfer falls within this limited right, please contact

2. Grant of Sublicense

Wallpea artists retain all rights in and to their Content, including copyright, title, and all other intellectual property rights. Wallpea asks that you consider properly embedding or limiting the size of Content used online as a best practice to protect the artist’s copyright. The Client agrees that, except for the rights expressly granted by Wallpea under this Agreement, no rights in and to any Content are granted to the Client at any time.Wallpea agrees to a limited transfer of granted rights between a buyer or agency authorized to purchase on behalf of Client or between a Client and a third party, where the third party is integral to the creation of the final Work (for example, a printer, designer, marketing agency, or social media manager), provided those parties agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you have questions about whether an intended transfer falls within this limited right, please contact

a. Grant of Sublicense

According to the terms of this Agreement, Wallpea gives the Client a license to use the Content indefinitely, anywhere in the world. This license is not exclusive, cannot be transferred, and cannot be sublicensed. Wallpea grants the Client a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license in the Content. The Client can use the Content to create works, new works, as well as modify, reproduce, transmit, broadcast, or display the Content.
The Standard License requires selection of (1) an asset size or format, and (2) either an individual or team user option.
The Standard License allows use in the following, subject to all restrictions and provisions of this Agreement:

i. advertising, editorial, and promotional projects, up to 500,000 hard copies. This includes but is not limited to promotional materials, product packaging, book covers, catalogs, magazines, or newspapers;

ii. online, electronic, and mobile publications and applications for an unlimited number of impressions. This includes but is not limited to websites, web publications, e-book covers, online album or playlist covers, broadcast media, and mobile application or video game static backgrounds; and

iii. any social media platform.

b. User Options

i. Individual: allows for one individual to use Content at a time; or

ii. Team: allows for unlimited individuals from the same entity to use Content, including use across affiliates or subsidiaries.

c. Extended License Options

A Client may purchase an Extended License to expand upon the usage rights granted in the Standard License, subject to all provisions of this Agreement.

i. Unlimited Print License:

Allows Client to make an unlimited number of hard copies of items described in Section 2(a)(i) above; and unlimited copies of hard copy prints, posters and other reproductions for personal use, but not for business use, resale, license, or other distribution. Purchase of this license includes a complimentary Team upgrade to the Standard License.

ii. Products for Resale License:

Allows for incorporation of Content or derivatives into products intended for distribution (including free and for-profit products) where Content provides the core value of the product or is made available in an on-demand product. Such products include, but are not limited to, posters, art prints, printed calendars, stationery items, photo books, swag items, apparel, e-cards, screensavers or backgrounds (including mobile), templates (including but not limited to website templates, turn-key websites, pre-formatted emails or newsletters, or blog or CMS themes). Purchase of this license includes a complimentary Team upgrade to the Standard License.

iii. Market Freeze License:

Allows for exclusive use of the Content for a period of time (a “Market Freeze Period”), beginning at the date of purchase and lasting for the period chosen by the Client at the time of purchase. During the Market Freeze Period Wallpea will not license the Content to any other Client. Use of the Content during a Market Freeze Period will be in accordance with this Agreement. Client acknowledges and agrees that there will be no restriction on the grant of any license or other right to the Content before or after the Market Freeze Period, and previous licensees of the Content will have the right to continue using the Content during the Market Freeze Period. Client may continue non-exclusive use of Content in perpetuity. Purchase of a Market Freeze License of 1 year or more includes a complimentary Team upgrade to the Standard License and the complimentary Unlimited Print and Products for Resale Extended Licenses.

3. Restrictions on Use

Without limiting any previously mentioned restrictions, the Client acknowledges and agrees that they will not do any of the following, unless Client has contacted and arranged specific terms in writing and signed by both parties:

  1. sell, sublicense, assign, convey, share, or transfer any Content, in whole or in part, or rights thereto to any person or entity except as expressly permitted under this Agreement; or

  2. sell or distribute Content or Work containing Content in any way that allows the Content to be extracted, accessed, or downloaded as a stand-alone file; or

  3. use, reproduce, distribute, or display the Content in a way that is considered by Wallpea or under applicable law, to be considered pornographic, obscene, infringing, or defamatory in nature or that would be reasonably likely to bring any person or property reflected in the Content into disrepute; or

  4. without the purchase of a Team upgrade to a standard license, allow the Content to be used by more than one user at a time; or

  5. without the purchase of an Unlimited Print Extended License, use Content in a print run over 500,000 copies; or

  6. without the purchase of a Products for Resale Extended License, use, reproduce, or distribute the Content in connection with any goods or services intended for resale or distribution where primary value lies in the Content itself; or

  7. incorporate the Content into a trade, design, or service mark; business name; or logo; or

  8. make use of any audio that may, in some circumstances, accompany video content; or

  9. take any action in connection with the Content that violates any law, regulation, or statute in an applicable jurisdiction; or

  10. use the Content in an editorial manner without the following credit adjacent to the Content in print or in credits for audio/visual productions, including a link to where technically feasible: "© [Name of Member] / Wallpea”; or

  11. post or share Content in such a way to falsely represent that you are the original creator of the Content or any work made up largely of the Content; or

  12. use Content in any way that suggests or implies that any individual in the Content is directly and personally endorsing any product, service, idea, belief or site, including but not limited to attributing quotes to or creating fake online profiles for an individual including promotional or marketing materials (for example, on political materials or dating apps); or

  13. this restriction on endorsement does not apply to an individual who simply appears in an advertisement alongside a product; and

  14. this restriction may be waived with inclusion of a conspicuous disclaimer accompanying each use that (i) the Content is being used for illustrative purposes only; and (ii) the person depicted is a model; or

  15. use any Content that includes an identifiable model in connection with a subject that would be, unduly controversial to a reasonable person or that could have an negative impact on the model (and not otherwise restricted by Section 3(m)), without Client accompanying each use with a conspicuous disclaimer indicating that (i) the Content is being used for illustrative purposes only; and (ii) the person depicted is a model. Disclaimers are most likely required for, but not limited to, medical issues and diagnosis; or

  16. use any Content that includes an identifiable model in a manner that depicts such individual in a potentially sensitive subject matter; including, but not limited to substance abuse and recovery, sexually transmitted infections, mental health disorders, abuse, abortion, promotion of nicotine or tobacco use, or any implication that the model engages in activity that is immoral or illegal unless a Sensitive Use Extended License has been negotiated and purchased. Clients interested in this license are encouraged to contact for detailed information; or

  17. use, or allow third parties to use, any Content (including any caption information, keywords, or any other metadata associated with any Content) for any machine learning and/or artificial intelligence purposes, or for any technologies designed or intended for the identification of natural persons. Additionally, Wallpea does not represent or warrant that consent has been obtained for such uses with respect to model-released Content; or

  18. use any metadata, including caption information, keywords, accompanying text, or other metadata associated with Content separate and apart from the Content, or allow any third parties to access or use any such information associated with Content; or

  19. use any Content in connection with an immutable digital asset intended for sale, such as a non-fungible token (NFT).

4. Releases

For non AI generated images, model releases are available upon request by clients, but all identifying information will be redacted to protect private information.
Wallpea does not represent or warrant that any model release includes consent or biometric clearance for any machine learning or related uses.

5. Comp License

a. A Comp License allows Content to be used for test or sample (composite, or comp) use only and refers to both watermarked and unwatermarked assets. A Comp License is valid for 90 days following the date of download and may not be used in any final or publicly available materials. For full Comp License terms, please contact folrry@wallpea.comb. There is no guarantee that any Content downloaded under a Comp License will be available for license in the future.c. Any use of Content under a Comp License not in accordance with Comp License terms is on an “as is” basis with no representations, warranties, or indemnities of any kind.

6. Free License

Free files have usage limitations, and you must attribute Wallpea.
a.) Use in print materials, including brochures, catalogs, flyers, direct mail, company stationery, business cards, print advertising, signage, packaging, etc. shouldn't exceed 50 copies
b.) Use in any digital materials, including on social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Pinterest), on blogs and other online publications, in templates, in marketing, promotional and sales emails, and in software and mobile applications (not for resale) shouldn't exceed 10,000 views
c.) Use in shows, commercials, films, and videos shouldn't exceed production budget of 1000USD
d.) No NFT, No logos, No merchandise
e.) Merchandise are contents on items for resale or on promotional items to be distributed at no cost. Examples of these items include but are not limited to textiles, artwork, magnets, posters, wall art, calendars, toys, games, video games, stationery, postcards, greeting cards, e-cards, stickers, mugs, mousepads, hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, other apparel items, CDs, DVDs, software and mobile applications (for resale), products made to order through custom design websites (e.g. Printify, Zazzle or Cafepress), etc.

How to give attribution:

Video: Please add in the final credits
Print: Please add in the final copy
Merch: Please add to final design
Web: Please tag on the image or add this utm source
(/? without the bracket.
Don’t want to give attribution? Purchase image license with generous usage rights, so you can use items with confidence.

7. Taxes

Client is responsible for any and all applicable taxes, customs, or duties imposed by any jurisdiction as a result of any license purchased by Client.

8. Payments and Pricing

Current pricing information may be found HERE.

9. Refunds

All refunds or returns must be made in writing, including via email. Provided that the request is made within 30 days and the Content has not been used, Wallpea may issue a full refund to your account or credit card, depending on means of purchase. No credits or refunds are available for requests received more than 30 days from date of purchase, for Market Freeze, or for any plan/agreement that includes non-refundable fees. Upon refund, Client’s rights to use the Content are terminated and Client must delete or destroy any copies of the Content.

10. Warranties and Disclaimers

a. Subject to all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, Wallpea represents and warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, the use by the Client of the Content as provided and as authorized in this Agreement will not infringe or violate the intellectual property rights, publicity rights, or privacy rights of any third party.

b. Wallpea does not hold licenses for any audio tracks that may, in rare circumstances, accompany video Content. The Client has no rights to use such tracks.

c. Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Content is provided “as is” and Wallpea makes no further representations or warranties as to the Content, including as to the accuracy of titles and descriptions.

11. Indemnification and Limitations

a.Subject to the provisions below, the Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Wallpea and its subsidiaries, commonly owned or controlled affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, members, contractors, owners, agents, representatives, licensors, and (sub)licensees (collectively, “Indemnitees”) harmless from all claims, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from:
i.) the Client’s breach of any warranties or obligations under this Agreement, and
ii.) from any and all uses of the Content by the Client resulting from the Client’s modification of the Content, the combination of the Content with any other work(s), and the context in which the Content is used.
b.Subject to the provisions below, Wallpea agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Client and its subsidiaries, commonly owned or controlled affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, and employees harmless from all claims, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from a breach of the representations and warranties set forth above. This section will not apply if the use and/or distribution by the Client of the Content has at any time not been in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or if the Client is otherwise in breach of this Agreement.c. Each party’s indemnity obligations are conditioned on the indemnified party
i.) promptly providing the other party with written notice of any claim or threat of a claim;
ii.) giving the indemnifying party control of any defense or settlement, provided that the indemnifying party will not make any settlement that imposes any material obligation on the indemnified party without prior written agreement of the indemnified party.
iii.) cooperating fully with the indemnifying party in the defense of any such claim or matter, including production of all reasonable related information.

12. Waiver

No action by Wallpea, other than express written waiver, may be construed as a waiver of any provision of this Agreement. No action by Client, other than express written waiver approved, in writing, by Wallpea, may be construed as a waiver of any provision of this Agreement.

13. Severability

If any provision contained in this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect; the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected. Such provisions will be revised only to the extent necessary to make them enforceable.


Wallpea reserves the right to modify these terms as needed from time to time. Unless Stocksy determines a change alters the material understanding of how the Client may use the Content, Stocksy will not be obligated to notify Client of minor changes.

15.Entire Agreement

This Agreement contains all the terms of the license agreement and no terms or conditions may be added or deleted unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms contained herein and the terms contained on any purchase order or other writing sent by the Client, the terms of this Agreement will govern.


  1. Affiliate: for a Client, any other entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with that Client;

  2. Agreement: this Content License Agreement, which governs the licensing and use of any Content available on the Site or otherwise affiliated with Wallpea, and which may only be modified by an agreement in writing and signed by both Wallpea and the Client;

  3. Asset: any single photograph, video, or other digital media available to license from the Site or through Wallpea directly;

  4. Asset Detail Page: a page on the Site showing one asset and that asset’s details, including title, description, keywords, presence of any releases, and all other asset-specific material;

  5. Client: any individual, entity, or agency using the Site to purchase sublicenses for Content;

  6. Content: a collective term that includes any or all of the individual assets making up the Wallpea collection;

  7. Editorial: any content used for a non-commercial purpose, such as to provide context or illustrate an idea; often found in newspapers and blogs. All Content from Wallpea may be used editorially;

  8. License: payment in exchange for limited use of a copyrighted asset;

  9. Member: an individual who has been accepted as a contributing artist at Wallpea, and who provides Content to the site under Member Agreements. Members, by uploading Content to Wallpea, authorize Wallpea to grant sublicenses to such Content for use by Clients;

  10. Promotional: not intended for sale, sublicensing, or other form of distribution in exchange for payment;

  11. Resale/Distribution: the sale or distribution of any item or object that makes use of licensed Content as primary content;

  12. Royalty Free: a licensing category where a Client pays a one-time fee in order to use the Content any number of times. All of Wallpea’s license options are royalty free. Note that royalty free does not mean use is unrestricted; please see Sections 2 and 3 for details;

  13. Site: the website found at containing Content for license and any affiliated sites;

  14. Template: any pre-designed format or structure which may be customized by the individual user by replacing generic elements of the format or structure. Templates include but are not limited to turn-key websites, pre-formatted emails or newsletters, mobile app templates, or blog or CMS themes; and

  15. Work: an original, finished product created by a Client and incorporating the licensed Content along with other materials.

Terms and Conditions ("Terms")

Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) carefully before accessing or using the website at and all related websites, software, apps, and/or plug-ins (together the “Service”) made available by Bleverdesign (“Wallpea”, “us”, “we” or “our”).

1. Acceptance of Terms

1.1. Bleverdesign operates the website (“Website”), a platform that allows you to post, link, store, share and otherwise make available certain information, text, graphics, photos, videos, or other material (together “Content”). Our goal is to help creators, designers, bloggers and everyone who is looking for an image to find photos and other Content that you can use for free subject to and in compliance with these Terms.
1.2. Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all photographers, visitors, users and others who access and/or use the Service.
1.3. By accessing or using the Service, whether as a photographer, visitor or user of the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms. These Terms serve to protect and safeguard your rights, the rights of other users, our rights and the rights of third parties in the course of operating the Website. If you do not agree to the terms of use, you must immediately stop using any part of the Service.
1.4. We reserve the right to change or adapt these Terms at any time and without giving reasons with effect for the future. You will be notified of these changes at least two weeks before they take effect by posting them on the Website and should you have created a user account on our Website by notifying your registered e-mail address. You have the right to immediately cancel and terminate your account on our Website if you do not agree to the changes to the Terms. Changes shall be deemed approved by you if you continue to use the Service after the new Terms come into effect.
1.5. The use of the Service is subject to the Terms in force at the time of use.

2. Accounts and Registration

2.1. Bleverdesign operates the website (“Website”), a platform that allows you to post, link, store, share, and otherwise make available certain information, text, graphics, photos, videos, or other material (together “Content”). Our goal is to help creators, designers, bloggers, and everyone who is looking for an image to find photos and other Content that you can use for free subject to and in compliance with these Terms.
2.2. Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all creators, designers, photographers, visitors, users, and others who access and/or use the Service.
2.3. By accessing or using the Service, whether as a creators, designer, photographer, visitor, or user of the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms. These Terms serve to protect and safeguard your rights, the rights of other users, our rights, and the rights of third parties in the course of operating the Website. If you do not agree to the terms of use, you must immediately stop using any part of the Service.
2.4. We reserve the right to change or adapt these Terms at any time and without giving reasons with effect for the future. You will be notified of these changes at least two weeks before they take effect by posting them on the Website and should you have created a user account on our Website by notifying your registered e-mail address. You have the right to immediately cancel and terminate your account on our Website if you do not agree to the changes to the Terms. Changes shall be deemed approved by you if you continue to use the Service after the new Terms come into effect.
2.5. The use of the Service is subject to the Terms in force at the time of use.

3. User Content

3.1. When you upload any Content to the Service, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to reproduce, adapt and modify (incl. translation), distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, broadcast, make available, store and archive and otherwise use such Content (in whole or in part) on and through the Service.
3.2. You acknowledge and confirm that your Content will be made available to the public on and through the Service for personal and commercial use of third parties subject to these Terms without providing you attribution or compensation.
3.3. You may not upload, post or transmit any Content that:
Infringes any third party’s copyrights or other intellectual property rights, contract rights or any other rights of any person;
Contains any pornographic, racist, defamatory, libelous or otherwise immoral, vulgar or obscene content;
Depicts unlawful or violent, hateful or threatening or otherwise inappropriate acts;
Offends, defames, harasses or otherwise damages Wallpea or any third party;
Violates any law, statute, or regulation.
3.4. We reserve the right to remove any Content at any time if we believe it’s defective, of poor quality, or in violation of these Terms.
3.5. You represent and warrant that: (i) the Content is yours (you own it) or you have the right to use it and grant us the rights and license as provided in these Terms, and (ii) Wallpea will not need to obtain licenses from any third party or pay a compensation or royalties to any third party with respect to the Content; (iii) your Content does not infringe any third party rights (including in particular copyrights, neighboring rights, intellectual property rights, name rights, right of personality, rights of privacy, data rights or other property rights), and (iv) your Content complies with these Terms and all applicable laws.
3.6. When you upload any Content to the Service you also authorize us under your copyrights to enforce any violations of the sublicense we grant in the Content to others. In other words, Wallpea is entitled to take appropriate measures to pursue the rights granted to us hereunder. You shall support us in the court or non-court assertion of the acquired rights, in particular by providing information, providing the necessary original documents and other documents, making or having made the necessary assignment of rights to Wallpea, as well as preparing any further declarations or documents which should be required or useful for the realization of the license granted by you to Wallpea.

4. Intellectual Property; License to Users

4.1. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, you may access and use the Website and Service.
4.2. The Website and the Service are protected by copyright, trademark, and/or other protective rights and are subject to copyright law and other protective laws ("Wallpea Rights"). Wallpea is the rightful owner or licensee of all rights to the Website and the Service. With the exception of the use of the Website and Service in accordance with these Terms, use of Wallpea Rights is only permitted with the prior written consent of Wallpea.
4.3. Except for certain sponsored content (i.e. content from partners that you can buy from them by getting redirected to their website, hereinafter "Sponsored Content"), all Content made available for download on the Service can be used for free for personal and/or commercial purposes subject to some limitations as set out in these Terms. You do not need to, but you can, credit the photographer or owner of the Content or Wallpea.
4.4. CC0 License
Some of the Content made available for download on the Service is subject to and licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license ("CC0 Content"). The CC0 Content on the Service is marked with the reference "CC0 License" next to the respective picture/content made available for download. This means that to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, the authors of the of work have dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the CC0 Content worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. Subject to the CC0 License Terms the CC0 Content can be used for all personal and commercial purposes without attributing the author/ content owner of the CC0 Content or Wallpea.
Be aware that the patent or trademark rights of any person, nor the rights that other persons may have in the CC0 Content or in how the CC0 Content is used, such as publicity or privacy rights, are not affected by CC0. Therefore, depending on the intended use of the CC0 Content (in particular commercial purposes), in the case of the depiction of identifiable people, logos, trademark, or copyrightable work depicted in the CC0 Content, you therefore may still need the permission or consent from third parties.
Furthermore, when using the CC0 Content, you may not imply endorsement of products and services by the author of the CC0-Content and/or any person, company or brand depicted in the CC0-Content.

5. Wallpea License

For all Content made available for download on the Service, that is not CC0-Content or Sponsored Content, Wallpea grants you an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and otherwise use the Content (this does not include Sponsored Content), including for commercial purposes, without attributing the contriutors/owner or Wallpea ("Wallpea License"). The Content made available for download on the Service under the Wallpea License ("Wallpea Content") is marked with the reference "Wallpea License" next to the respective picture/content. The Wallpea License does not include:
the right to compile any Wallpea Content to replicate a similar or competing Service;
the right to sell copies of the Wallpea Content without first updating, modifying, or otherwise incorporating new creative elements into the Content (i.e., selling unaltered copies of photos, videos, or other content), including selling the Content as prints or printed on physical goods.
5.1. While Wallpea contributors and users that upload Content to our Website represent and warrant to us that they have all the rights therein and that the Content does not infringe any third-party rights,Wallpea cannot reasonably monitor all Content uploaded to the Service. We therefore do not make any representations or guarantees for the rights granted hereunder to you.
5.2. Be aware that, depending on your intended use of the Content, you may need the permission or consent of a third party (e.g. owner of a brand, identifiable person or author/rights holder of copyrightable work depicted in the Content).

6. Restrictions on use of the Service and Content

6.1. You represent and warrant to Wallpea that by using the Service you will NOT:
impersonate any other person on the Services, e.g. a representative of Wallpea or any other person responsible for the Services, or impersonate any non-existent relationship with such persons;
use the Service and/or Website for the storage, publication, and/or transmission of "junk mails", chain letters, unsolicited bulk e-mails, etc., or for any other purpose. "("spamming");
send any data or store any data on a Wallpea data carrier which, by its nature or nature (e.g. viruses), size or reproduction (e.g. spamming), is intended to impair or endanger the existence or operation of the Services and the Wallpea data network;
make any electronic attacks of any kind on the Service or network; in particular, the use of computer programs to automatically read out data such as robots, spiders, etc. is prohibited;
use the Service for the purposes of data mining, extraction, scraping and/or the use of programs or robots for automatic data collection and/or extraction of digital data from the Service and/or the content made available thereon, whether for machine learning purposes or otherwise;
use or exploit any metatags or other hidden texts containing the name or trademark of Wallpea without the express written consent of Wallpea;
collect, store or use any personal information, including member names and profiles, about other users; or
copy the look and feel of the Website.
6.2. Furthermore, despite the Wallpea License provided to you by Wallpea hereunder you agree to NOT use any Wallpea Content made available via the Service (in whole or in part):
to portray any person depicted in the Content (a "Person") in a way that a reasonable person would find offensive, including but not limited to depicting a Person: a) in connection with pornography, adult entertainment venues, escort services, dating services, or the like; b) in connection with the endorsement of products and services (i.e. statement made to the Person highlighting the benefits or recommending products/services to the public); c) in a political context, such as the promotion, advertisement or endorsement of any party, candidate, or elected official, or in connection with any political policy or viewpoint; d) as suffering from, or medicating for, a physical or mental ailment; or e) engaging in immoral or criminal activities;
in a pornographic, defamatory, or deceptive context, or in a manner that could be considered libelous, obscene, or illegal;
as a trademark, service mark, logo or other indication of origin, or as part thereof;
in a manner that infringes upon any third party’s copyright, trademark or other intellectual property, or gives rise to a claim of deceptive advertising or unfair competition;
falsely represent, expressly or by way of reasonable implication, that any Content was created by you or a person other that the copyright holder(s) of that Content;
access, download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, or use any Content to create a similar or competitive service or to contribute the Content to an existing similar or competitive service.

7. Violation of Terms and Termination of Use

7.1. Wallpea reserves the right to reject the publication of Content at its own discretion and to delete Content already published.
7.2. Wallpea further reserves the right to restrict or suspend your access to the Services in whole or in part at any time, without prior notice and excluding any claim for damages on your part ("Suspension"), if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting violations by you of these Terms and/or the applicable Conditions of Participation.
7.3. If you prove within twelve (12) months after the Suspension that you have not violated the Terms the applicable Conditions of Participation, Wallpea will lift the Suspension. If such proof is not provided within the 12-month period, Wallpea is entitled to delete your member account including all its data.
7.4. Wallpea expressly reserves the right to take legal action, in particular to assert claims for damages or to file criminal charges.

8. Notice of Infringements

8.1. Please let us know if you believe that any Content made available on and via the Service contains a violation of the law. The message can be sent by e-mail to the address
8.2. If you as the copyright owner or as its representative believe that your copyrights are infringed by the Content of users stored, published or transmitted on the Website, please notify us by e-mail to including the following information:
a description of the rights you consider to have been infringed;
a statement of the content you believe infringes your rights, preferably including a URL, and the part of the content you believe infringes the law;
your address, telephone number and email address to contact you;
a statement by you that, to the best of your knowledge and in good faith, you believe that the use in question has not been approved or is not authorized by the rightsholder or its agent.

9. Disclaimer of Warranty; Links to other third party sites

9.1. The use of the Service is at your own risk. The Website and the Service are offered to you on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We do not warrant that the Website or the Services will always be uninterrupted, current, timely, secure, error-free or suitable for use for any particular purpose or to achieve any particular result.
9.2. Wallpea does not guarantee that the content on the Website or on linked other sites is correct or complete. The content of the users does not reflect our opinions or views on life. The presence of links to other websites does not imply that Wallpea endorses or recommends the linked website. Wallpea has no influence on the contents of the linked external sites and is not responsible for them. We strongly advise you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party websites or services that you visit. Wallpea is also not responsible for the advertising of third parties published on the Website or for the goods or services offered therein.
9.3. If Wallpea becomes aware of any violations of the law through content, links to third-party websites or advertising published on the website, Wallpea will immediately delete such content, links or advertising.
9.4. Wallpea accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, communication line failures or unauthorized access or theft, destruction or modification of user communications. Likewise, Wallpea is not liable for problems or technical malfunctions in connection with telephone networks or lines, online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software or for failures of e-mails or players due to technical problems or data jams on the internet and/or one of the Service, unless these are within the sphere of influence of Wallpea.

10. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Wallpea and its affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses or demands arising out of or in connection with (i) your use and access to the Website and/or Service; (ii) your violation of these Terms; (iii) infringement of third party rights (copyrights, trademark rights, personal rights, etc.) by you or your Content. The indemnity obligation includes the reasonable costs of legal defence, in particular lawyer's fees, necessary to defend against such claims

Empowering Creative Professionals And Businesses.

Wallpea, through its provision of unique royalty-free stock images, assists creative professionals and businesses in crafting stunning commercial and personal projects.

About Us

Wallpea is the ultimate online destination for unique royalty-free images.


We assist creative professionals and businesses in accessing stunning royalty-free stock images that they can freely use in their commercial and personal projects. This empowers them to craft exceptional and captivating projects. We proudly refer to this as "Empowering Creative professionals and businesses"


Upload your own images to support the Wallpea

And don't forget to share, like and follow Wallpea on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter ;)

Share your images and let the world adore them.

We highly value artistic integrity and firmly believe in enhancing stock content through carefully crafted and curated art, images and Illustration. Our aim is to bring a touch of creativity and professionalism to every piece we offer.

Everyone is welcome.

We warmly welcome contributors of all levels, from hobbyists to seasoned professionals, who are dedicated to making Wallpea user-friendly and efficient for all users.

We warmly embrace all styles.

You don't need a specific art style or fancy equipment to start contributing to Wallpea. You can submit any photo, illustration, or artwork that looks cool.

Get a personalized creator profile.

When you become a contributor on Wallpea, you will receive a personalized creator profile, allowing you to be easily discovered by our website visitors.

Monthly spotlight on talented creators!

When you are selected as our creator of the Month, you will receive exciting perks such as being prominently featured in our partner's magazine and our blog.

Connect with other artists worldwide

If you have any questions, need feedback on your latest creation, or want tips on how to create.

  • Original content you captured

  • Excludes graphic nudity, violence, or hate

  • Images and art will be distributed under the Wallpea License

  • We are only taking submissions for Wallpea

  • You must have permission from people and for property depicted in the arts, images,and photos you upload

  • Mindful of the rights of others

  • We will let you know when submissions for Wallpea prime is open

  • To be downloaded and used for free

  • High quality photos and videos

  • Images and art must be at least 4MP

  • We take AI generated images

High quality images (for photos, at least 5MP and atmost 10MP)

Images are clear & original

Only upload images you own the rights to

Zero tolerance for nudity, violence or hate

No watermark

Respect the intellectual property of others

Read the Wallpea license


What is Wallpea?

Wallpea, through its provision of royalty free stock images and music, assists millions of creators worldwide in effortlessly crafting stunning products and designs.

What does Royalty-Free mean?

A one-time license fee allows royalty-free (RF) assets to be used for multiple projects by the same client. No geographical restrictions. No expiration dates. With our exceptionally high curation standards, discovering unique, beautifully authentic imagery and music is effortless.

Does Wallpea offer any rights-managed or editorial content?

Nope. All of the images and musics in the Wallpea collection are Royalty-Free. However, if your project requires exclusive use of an image or video, we offer a special Market Freeze license option.

Is content commercial ready?

Yes. All assets are ready to be used commercially. Image or music can be used commercially within the limits of the license agreement.

What payment options do you offer?

We accept Cards (we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and China UnionPay from customers worldwide), PayPal, Apple Pay (Safari only), Google Pay (Chrome only),Alipay, WeChat Pay, Cash App Pay, Bank debits (e.g. ACH).
Some of these payment methods are only available on certain devices or in certain locations. Our checkout will automatically show available payment methods to each customer.

Can I get an Invoice?

Yes, customers can generate their own PDF invoice for an order via the My Orders page. You can also request from us.

How much are your images and music, and what size do I need?

All of our images and music are priced consistently. You will find a full breakdown of both sizing and pricing on each asset's page. For more information visit our Pricing Page

What are the Wallpea licensing options?

We offer Standard Royalty Free and Extended licensing.

Royalty free includes:

  • Up to 500,000 copies in print

  • Worldwide, all media, unlimited time

  • Unlimited electronic impressions (web, eBook, etc.)

  • Commercial use, e.g., advertising, broadcast media, annual reports, story accompaniment (editorial), blog posts, websites, design elements, book covers, product packaging, etc.Unlimited number of worldwide projects and mediums, forever.

We offer Standard Royalty Free and Extended licensing.

  • Team License: For use by more than one individual within your organization

  • Unlimited Print (Images Only): For printing over 500,000 copies of the image (Web use is always unlimited)

  • Products for Resale: For use in commercial products in which the asset provides the core value of the product, e.g., greeting cards, t-shirts, mugs, posters, wallpapers, stickers, templates, apps, and screensavers

  • Market Freeze: Secures exclusivity for a set period of time from the date of asset purchase and includes complimentary Team License, Unlimited Print, and Products for Resale Licenses.

  • A complimentary Team License is automatically included with the purchase of any Extended License

Wallpea Content Policy

We firmly believe that creative expression and innovation are essential components of a forward-thinking culture. As a cutting-edge stock media agency, Wallpea is dedicated to fostering creative production at all levels through a collection that showcases authentically diverse and artistically uncompromised work.Our content policy compels us to continuously innovate and carefully consider how people, ideas, and cultures are portrayed in our collection. At Wallpea, we have always placed a high value on artistic integrity and technical excellence. As we expand, we are dedicated to curating a collection that emphasizes authentic perspectives, offers fresh interpretations of contemporary concepts, and addresses the lack of representation of marginalized voices.

In order to embody these principles, our collection must achieve five key objectives:

  • Our product is widely acknowledged as the leader in quality, inclusivity, and innovation.

  • It is essential for this entity to remain actively engaged with the present, reflecting the diversity, complexity, and evolving trends of contemporary visual culture.

  • The innovation aims to address biases and incorporate underrepresented perspectives.

  • It represents the diverse global audiences that we cater to.

  • Our platform provides a space for creative professionals to thrive and excel in their projects.

In order to achieve our goals, Wallpea is dedicated to:

  • Valuing quality (creativity, originality, and technical excellence) over quantity when growing the collection

  • Broadening and deepening our collection with portfolios by diverse creators. This means a sustained investment in artist recruitment (Call to Artists or CTA) as well as artist development initiatives, such as creative briefs, educational materials, one-on-one mentorship, and direct contributor feedback.

  • Fostering an environment that encourages openness and a willingness to change. We must be responsive to the issues of the present and responsible for decisions of the past.

  • Ensuring that the processes that shape our collection are inclusive and evolving. Specifically, we acknowledge:

  • That editing isn’t a perfect science and that we must maintain an open-minded and collaborative approach to curation and collection review.

  • That the acceptance, retention, and weighting of assets must be informed and challenged by diverse perspectives.

  • That our quality standards and style guidelines are instructed by collaborative and ongoing discussion.

  • We uphold the principles of intellectual and creative freedom, while also reserving the right to refuse or delete content that fails to meet our established standards or is deemed inappropriate or offensive. This may encompass representations that objectify, stereotype, or exploit their subject matter.

We are committed to maintaining an ongoing system of checks and balances to ensure that we are making thoughtful decisions regarding content that may be perceived as offensive or problematic. This includes:

  • ethnic tokenism and/or exclusion

  • prejudicial concepts or ideas

  • political messaging

  • sexist representation

  • cultural appropriation

  • religious discrimination

  • sexualized content

We are seeking guidance on the most effective strategies for representing individuals from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as individuals with different abilities. Our goal is to establish guidelines for proper keywording and to review the labeling and display of assets.In order to maintain competitiveness, it is imperative that we invest in collection evaluation, trend analysis, and market research. Staying informed about the realities and opportunities within the stock content market, as well as adjacent industries and broader global forces, is crucial. By utilizing this intelligence effectively, we can assist our members in achieving success on Wallpea.

In essence, Wallpea aims to elevate the standards of stock media by providing high-quality, innovative, and diverse content. By safeguarding the authenticity of the resources and opportunities accessible to the entire creative community, we strive to enhance their workflow and empower them to produce impactful work.

Trademarks, logos and brands are the property of their respective owners.All content on this website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Please keep in mind although the photos listed here are free to download and use, some photos do not have model or property release. Some photos may also contain copyrighted brands, logos or personal properties. Wallpea and its owners does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use of the website and its content, or the results from the use of the website and its content.Wallpea and its owners make no representations or warranties with respect to ownership of copyrights or properties on the photos, and does not represent others who may claim to be owners of copyright or properties captured on any of the photos. Wallpea and its owners are not responsible for any loss or expenses resulting from the use of the photos or the Wallpea website, and by using the Wallpea website you agree to release and hold Wallpea and its owners harmless from all liability arising from such use.

Share your story through captivating imagery.

Some of the use cases for which you can use images on Wallpea

On your website, blog or app

Use the images and artworks online – whether it’s a website, e-commerce shop, newsletter, e-book, presentation, blog, or a template you sell.

Print marketing material

You can utilize the amazing images available on Wallpea for a wide range of purposes. Whether you're creating albums, designing T-shirts, publishing books, printing fashion prints, crafting CD covers, curating art covers, designing flyers, creating fashion wear, making postcards, designing invitations, or even publishing magazines, Wallpea has got you covered! Explore the vast collection of images and let your creativity run wild.


Discover a world of captivating 3D renders crafted by talented digital artists, alongside stunning image theme artworks created by illustrators and visual artists. Immerse yourself in the realm of mixed media art and be amazed by astounding shots. In just seconds, you can find mesmerizing wallpapers to adorn your phone, desktop, monitor, TV, laptop, iPad, iPhone, or Mac.

Promote your product

Elevate your marketing game with Wallpea's vast collection of stunning images! Unleash your creativity and craft one-of-a-kind ads, eye-catching banners, and captivating marketing campaigns that will truly make your product shine. With Wallpea, you have access to a treasure trove of unique visuals to promote your brand like never before. So, why settle for the ordinary when you can create the extraordinary? Start exploring Wallpea today and let your imagination run wild!

Share them on social media

Grow your audience by posting authentic and engaging images and artworks on social media like Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.